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MLP Roses Headshots: Pink

RULES 1. Please follow my Terms of Service before buying: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/7949762/ 2. No refunds. Once you pay, it's done. 3. You have got 24 hours to pay. 4. My turnaround time is around one month. 5. This YCH will have a few slots, please have that in mind! It won't be the only one made on this sketch. ABOUT THE YCH: - You can choose colors of the ornament freely - Gender and pony types are up to you - Will be linearted and colored, unless you autobuy, then it'll be painted PRICES: $10 - flat colors $12 - simple cellshading $16 - detailed cellshading $20 - softshading $30 (autobuy) - painting EXAMPLES: Flat colors - http://ych.commishes.com/followUp/show/AM8/mlp-roses-headshots-purple/ Simple cellshading - http://ych.commishes.com/followUp/show/AM9/mlp-roses-headshots-blue/ Detailed cellshading - http://ych.commishes.com/followUp/show/B0V/running-chibi/ Softshading - http://orig04.deviantart.net/dcb4/f/2016/366/d/c/ych_alwin_by_xkarka-datqr3n.png Painting - http://ych.commishes.com/followUp/show/DVO/angel-pony-ych/

Safe brony

Samples These are examples of finished art

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