Source Filmmaker - Warhammer 40k, Minor Fighting, Optional Nudity The Duel
This is a Warhammer 40k themed YCH. The idea was a group of Deathwatch, Space Marines (Mare-ines? LOL) are doing some serious training. Seriously you could lose an eye :P Any character can be replaced and its optional whether or not you want pinup-ish nudity or not. Their armor can be replaced as well. Right now I casted Rainbow Dash as a Space Wolf. Spitfire is a Salamander. And the strange looking pony is Babs Seed, who is a Carcharodon which is why she looks so strange (its intentional). I am not opposed to animating this one or making it longer like a comic or something.. but that is totally not my intent with this one. So I'll mention I'm open to the idea and would ask for $30 (grand total) for such a thing. Otherwise its whatever the auction ends up on, price wise. A regular sized comic is still ok BTW. BTW here is more artwork: