YCH-Movie Night
Starting Bid: 15$ Minimum Increase: 5$ What you get: -2000x2000 sized image with OC in displayed pose. -Fully colored -Cell shading -Cum variant After 50$ -Clothing variant After 100$ -Second clothing variant -Dialogue bubble After 150$ -More dicks/cum -Second Expression After 200$ -Complex Background -Side View Panel (Ie, x-ray shot, ass shot, close up from a different angle, impregnation shot, creampie close up.) -Option to change from cell shading to soft shading (example (cell shading): https://derpibooru.org/images/2420406?q=my%3Auploads, example (Soft Shading): https://derpibooru.org/images/2427659?q=my%3Auploads) Alterations can be done in order to increase breast size and other body parts as long as it applies. (Nothing overly big or crazy) Character can be (female/futa/male) (changeling, bat ponies, alicorn, kirin, gryphon, hippogriff, earthpony, unicorn, Pegasus,dragon ponies, etc) (notice: as long as the body type doesn’t deviate too much from the original form of the YCH template, it can be done) Payment: -Payment done **AFTER** the completion of the commission: Payment must be submitted in a single transaction (no partial payments) after the commission has been completed in order to avoid an issues in regards to delivery of commission. -Paypal only -Transactions made through Paypal Invoice -No refunds *Have Picture references of OC ready* Expression can be changed Bidders must be 18 years of age or older No scat/diaper/vore/watersports/gore *If the CRM isnt working with the winner of the auction or youre interested in commissioning me, feel free to contact me on twitter @Kennzeichentwit https://twitter.com/KennzeichenTwit