22111707 - YCH 22111707 - YCH
22111707 - YCH ------------------------------------------------------------------------ YCH Auction Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SB: $10 USD MB: $1 USD Tiers: >= $10 = Line-Art >= $20 = Flat-Color >= $30 = Cell-Shaded >= $40 = Rendered You may increase Tier anytime(even after completed) by paying the difference Auction Terms: - Character(s) must be fictional, 18+, any Gender/ Race, Simple outfit. - I do NOT equalize Styles, Background NOT included - PayPal only in advance, delivered within 7-14 business after payment. - Base Sketch remains in my property for re-use - You agree I may post finished work on any/all my social media including Patreon. - Patreon discount applicable - https://www.patreon.com/jvdarkomx Optional Extras: - Complex Outfit | Outfit Variant | Complex Hair | Hair Variant | Simple Background: + 20% - Additional Character| Character Variant| Detailed Background = +50% Open Auctions: https://ych.commishes.com/user/jvdarkomx Finished Auctions: https://portfolio.commishes.com/user/jvdarkomx/ Testimonials: https://loot.commishes.com/Testimonial/on/jvdarkomx/?page=1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JVDARKOMX - Digital Artist SFW & NSFW ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISCORD: jvdarkomx#4921 TWITTER: @jvdarkomx