Sexy wolf girl
Starting bid: $30 Minimum step: $5 Autobuy: $150 After payment you will receive an image without inscriptions. For a $70+ bid, you'll get a naked front and back version. There may be scars, spots, moles, bruises and so on. For a $100+ bid, you will receive the previous bonuses + waist-length art with an NSFW version. For autobuy, you'll get all the previous bonuses + full-fledged art on a farm or a wolf in a school uniform, or whatever idea comes to your mind. And NSFW version. Also, for all subsequent arts ordered from me, with this wolf in it, you will get a 50% discount :3 If you decide to add something after the purchase, you can always write to me here or on the discord. I'll see faster there. You can ask for new scars or some kind of necklace, something that I can add to the already finished work. YazRechnoy#7290