Paypal Only Eladrin Elf Adoptable
Hii! Please let me know if you have and questions or concerns! Hopefully you all like them! (All are the same character!) The res on this photo is a bit wonky on here so make sure to click the photo to see all the details! Researching Eladrins for this was super interesting! I had not heard of them before now, but their playstyles seem super interesting and different! I really love their different personalities for the seasons and everything - if you didnt hear about them before I recommend fully into looking into them they have super interesting lore and playstyles! Here's some videos I watched on them while researching! Super cool and I hope you come to love them too! They seem pretty niche as far as I know - maybe not, but they deserve more love! "Eladrin and the History of Elves in D&D's 'Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes'" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJMvnT_JRa8&ab_channel=D%26DBeyond "Race #3.4: Elf --- Eladrin (Spring) (DnD 5E)" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Cn2RlLK5uw&ab_channel=Chance%27sD%26DSpellbook (This guy goes over all the different forms - It was super interesting to watch!) This adopt took a bit longer to make so if it ends pretty low I MAY relist.. (under like 40) - I'd love to make more of this species if I have the time again! It was super fun! Please only true bids, We can change anything after the bid is finished! I'll provide the full HD photos and files when the auction is over :)! Feel free to do whatever yo u'd like with the character after its sold (sell it, recolor it or change things)