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Started at $20.00
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Adopt by Sjerty [Adopt] Big Wolf Girl

Hello \<^^>/ SB - $20 MI - $5 AB - $550 You'll get full size image (3335 x 2701 px) without all words and etc. $100 or more - you'll also get free commission with this character C: (SFW / NSFW) AB - you'll get free commission with this character and also free commission with any character you want (SFW / NSFW) If you want a ref sheet, I'll provide you with that for free, but only if bid is >= $100 I can change something in character if you want Auction ends 12 hours after the last bid, or immediatly at AB Payment with PayPal (Full payment must be made within 48 hours after end of the auction). We can contact through discord, FA notes, or in Ych.Commishes messages Discord: Sjerty#8379 I'm not good at backstories, but when I drew her I thought about character that is learning all modern stuff and this dog guy helps her out Also if you want to keep him I can draw something simple with him for free, but only if bid more than $100 ;> This auction also going on at FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42685824/ So when it ends here, it continue at FA

Explicit adopt

Samples These are examples of finished art

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3 years ago

Dang it, didn't get the notification until it was too late. Oh well. Maybe on the next adopt. >.<

3 years ago

Is it possible to arrange changes? Like to her coloration and/or leg shape? ^^

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