slot 1 Dakimakura commission
It’s not a YCH! (but if you want I can draw your character in this pose) Please, provide me with reference photos or description of the pose you want. - any race but the character must be feminine - any pose, hairstyle, clothes, face expression - I can add ears/horns/tail/more details - I can add some things to the pillow background (plush toy, clothes, anything) starting bid - sketch https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/FFPH/ $20 - flat colored sketch $50 - full colored sketch https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/FOLP/ $70 - full colored lineart https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/C20E/ https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/AA2D/ $85 - two versions: 1) with clothes 2) nsfw $100 - three versions: 1) with clothes 2) with underwear or another clothes 3) nsfw $150 - everything listed above + back version of dakimakura (another pose) Paypal (100% prepayment) Deadline 3-4 weeks