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weeeeeeee ☆Surprise! [YCH ANIMATED ]☆

°SB -$15 °MIN- $2 °AB -$100 ------------- °SB$ =Lineart °35$ =Lineart + colored °50$ =colored lineart + colored °80$ =colored lineart + colored + simple shading °If you AB you'll get an addictional full drawing + chibi~ ------------- °Accepting any specie- can be change to pony or human too °Paypal only °Bids and Payment in USD ------------- If you win please send a reference of your character! °Other Social Media° || https://www.instagram.com/noarustar/ || https://twitter.com/Noarustar any other examples here on my twitter! Thank you ヽ(- ω -、)

Safe furry

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