more arts here - ☆ Good morning YCH! ☆
!!! Auction ends here (and other bids here too!) - !!! RULES: ❥ ANY gender ❥ ANY species ❥ ANY emotion ❥ ANY accessories ❥ Drawing after payment ❥ Total cost below 115$ is simple shade ❥ Total cost above 115$ is full shade ❥ False bidding will cause ban, as well as bids cannot be cancelled. ❥ I will be very grateful, if you'll pay the taxes for the financial transfer. Unfortunately, otherwise these bills take away a significant part of my income. (╥﹏╥) SB: 80$ MB: 5$ AB: 250$ (+custom outfit; +lewd night version) Auction ends on Tuesday, April 7th at 3:00am GMT+3 Timer is here:
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