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Adopt Lucas

There is a version without "clothes". Bonuses! >$ 100 - a drawing of your character with no background at my discretion >$ 150 - NSFW references. I can make clothes of your choice. > $ 300 - Large-scale full reference with multiple views, 3 headshots, NSWF versions(up to 3) and additional details. 10% discount on orders I have with this character! +I can change his gender. After the purchase of the adopter you get an image without unnecessary inscriptions. Also, different bonuses are offered for each bet! When buying an adopter you: - Get full rights to the character without rules. - PNG image in the best possible quality. - Bonuses on the amount of money spent. Paymanent - paypal, sber. Try to pay for a 48 hours, if you can't pay - don't bet. (English is not my native language, sorry for my mistake :3). Also: https://www.deviantart.com/kinvil16/art/Adopt-Lucas-834699957

Safe furry

Samples These are examples of finished art

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