Animated YCH ANIMATION: Unspoken feelings
Hello! I'm Ailish and I specialize myself in vector based ( flash ) puppet animation. In this auction you bid for a 144 frames animation of characters you choose. 24FPS. Bouncy hair guaranteed! Rules: - You get both characters ;) - any PONY character you want. Cannon or OC. Male or Female in both slots. - I can add wings/ horn/ necklace/ earrings/ simple accesories - I can change the background (to simple gradient/changing colors or make no bcg at all for the transparent gif) - Payment via paypal, up to 48 hours after the auction finished - You will get the animation in any format you want - GIF, AVI, MP4 or others. - I will discuss alot with you and ask for confirmation at every step :) Feel free to ask questions.
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