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any especies poke trainer male/female

sb 20 +25 only scketch full color 1 pokemon 45 usd+ background full color to elecction 60 2 pokemon 70 usd+ 85 3 pokemon 80 usd 95 flat color 1 pokm= 30 + background =45 2 pokm= 45 + =60 3 pokm= 60 * =70 this is just a quick sketch without your order will be much nicer!!! pokemon trainer it can be male or female or another species expression and attire to alloy add backpack / bag or 1 complex accessory Pokemon at the option of the buyer, depending on which format you choose with 1, 2 or 3 partners Once the auction is over, the commission will have the result at the nearest price Please offer only if you are sure to buy payment only by maximum paypal in 48 hours For questions write to [email protected]

Safe human

Samples These are examples of finished art

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