commission slot #1 (pony/halfbody)
commission slot #1 pony/halfbody S.B: 6$ M.B: 2$ A.B: 30$ (If you want me to draw an additional character, you need to pay +100% from price (this is agreed with the customer after finishing of this auction)) Only a pony! Any race (from the tv-series), any gender. If you pay 6$ and more, I will color the sketch with main colours. If you pay 9$ and more I will do lineart and colouring of main colours. If you pay 14$ and more, I will add shadows and an easy background. If you make an auto bid, I will draw a full body sketch of your original character (filling of the main colors and add rough shades. The theme of this sketch will be at my discretion). Without deadline! Please, do not ignore this announcement. I need new running shoes promptly( Payment: PayPal / Сбербанк Please, don't forget pay the commission after the sketch! I will try to draw it after finishing of the auction.