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Bid more than $60.00 to own this piece immediately
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Bids in the last 10 minutes extend the auction > spring time photo <
For more YCHs you can "like" this one or follow me~! Thanks for your attention!! All of the info is on the picture, feel free to ask in the comments if you have any questions <3 SB: $20 - lineart & fill color $35 - sharp shading and lights AB: $60 - Thanks for your support~ I'll make an extra sketch page of your OC~! ^^ Other: 1) I will contact you using CRM! (please check your e-mail for the first message after the end of the auc!!) 2) Payment must be made in 24h after the end of the auction 3) Deadline: about 1 week (mostly 2-3 working days) 4) You'll receive a HQ PNG file upon completion you can also contact me about this YCH on Deviantart or Twitter // RezoLuma
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