Adopt Spirit of the night
Color-Blue Flower-Blue Rose Ability-Star Magic SB: $35 You will get a large PNG file and all rights to the character. MI: $3 AB1: $40 You will receive a transparent PNG file + references on which the character was created and a sketch AB:2 $50 You'll get (AB1)+I will draw a portrait of this character. AB:3 $70- You'll get (AB1)+I will draw full art with this character in half body. Portrait is not included. RULES - I accept only PAYPAL (USD) - You can do whatever you want with the character (personalize them, change clothes, recolor it) - Trade/Gift/Resell is allowed. Resell with the original price or cheaper. Inform me first for resell - No Refunds/back out - Do not trace, copy, or steal…