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(9 pieces) Stickers

°•Stickers•° https://vk.com/album-187082428_270673881 Sb 50$ Mb 7$ Ab 200$ Payment via PayPal -Sending by mail is already included in the price - Stickers will be completed after payment - This is how ready-made stickers will look like https://vk.com/album-187082428_270673889 - The outline of the sticker will be as follows https://vk.com/album-187082428_270673893 On your choice: self-adhesive stickers or just small pictures +7$ = additional sticker(this can be your pony character or a character from the mlp series) - I'll contact you within 24 hours after you win and will start working after full payment - Payment must be made within 48 hours from the end of the auction - Deadline: 20 days after the start - Languages: ru, eng

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