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American Shot (Sfw or Nsfw) Ych - It's been a long time!

Hi! It's been ages since last time. Payment is upfront via PayPal in 24 hours. Any specie.~ Face expression, body volumes, and clothing/accessories rely on your preference. It may be nsfw if you want. $5+ Sketch. $10+ Clean Lineart. $20+ Flat Color. $30+ Full. $40+ Alternative Version. Note: My timezone is GMT-5. Although this auction will end on (my) Saturday morning, I will not be able to start working on it until Sunday. That will give you the 24 hours term to make the payment and discuss your preferences, but if you feel like waiting until Sunday morning to pay it's okay for me, as long as it is made before I start working on it.

Safe human

Samples These are examples of finished art

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