This auction is over!

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Buy this now! Autobuy enabled Bid more than $20.00 to own this piece immediately

Kitty ADOPT 🐱

★ Payment !ONLY! via Western Union/Qiwi in 72 hours (prepayment only) ★ no rules for the character ★ no NSFW-version ★ After confirmed payment you will receive a PNG and PSD files on your mail. (The layer with the cat itself is a single unit to avoid problem situations. You can use the psd file only to change the background or composition). ★ For AB you'll get an extra halfbody sketch (look through my portfolio in advance). SB - 6$ MI - 2$ AB - 20$ (with bonus) If you want to help me, please rate the arts that you like in my gallery and like my auctions❣️

Safe furry

Samples These are examples of finished art

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