Adopt auction snow leopard-demon
★ SB $5 ★ MB $1 ★ AB $20 + full ref\art You'll get a full-res art without watermark. Do not delete or edit bids. Rules - only PayPal, sberbank, QIWI - you can give them any name, story, character etc and draw whatever you like with them 🐩Tell me about each new owner with all the links. 🐩Please indicate my authorship with links to my public under the adopters ' photos. 🐩It is allowed to sell a character for a price higher than the purchase price, ONLY if there are 3 or more arts of the average skill and higher. 🐩The redesign of the adopter should be discussed with me in ADVANCE. 🐩You pass adopters with the same rules along the chain. 🐩Do not erase the signatu
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