Read the rules, please! Tight, soon [MACRO]
This is an auction for the MACRO[RED] position. This image will be a FULLY Inked, Colored, and Shaded piece. WHEN AUCTIONS FINISH, BY DEFAULT I DO TRY TO CONTACT YOU VIA THIS IN-SITE'S COMMISSION CHAT. IF THAT DOESN'T WORK, I WILL CONTACT YOUR EMAIL YOU USE ON THIS SITE. IF, obviously, I CANNOT ESTABLISH CONTACT WITH YOU [By ANY means] WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF THE AUCTION, IT WILL GO TO THE RUNNER-UP BIDDER, and so forth. RULES: If you bid in the last 20 minutes and you DID NOT bid previously, the YCH will go to the runner-up bidder. UNLESS you bid within the last 10 minutes and extend the auction. The winner has 24 hours to pay once the invoice is sent. Transactions are done via square. I allow all users to save their card information for convenient future business. EX: In my opinion, 10 minutes is NOT enough time for everyone to notice the auction is ending. This site also does not allow users to edit how long before the auction ends a person can bid before sniping protection extends it, nor can users edit how long the auction is extended by. So while an automated ten minute extension is too little imo, it's all the site allows me to work with right now.