This auction is over!

But if you tell us your email we will notify you when this user starts a new one

More examples: https://vk.com/pubtess - https://www.deviantart.com/tasyal Mystical portrait

!Any gender! 5$-10$ - line, flat color, simple shadows; 10$-25$ - line, full color, full shadows; 26$+ - line, full color, full shadows, background. RULES: - Can be HUMAN OR ANTHRO (Ears, eyes, wings, tail, or something that does not require large anatomical changes); - Can be FANART; - Body can be slightly altered (breast/hip size, hair, face, etc.); - I only work with visual references. I will not do a drawing from a written reference only; - Payment only PayPal; - I will send you an invoice requesting the money after we have talked about the drawing in PMs after the auction ends; - The payment has to be done within 48 hours after the auction ends; - I won't start on the drawing until I have received the full payment; - Don't bid if you can't pay after the auction is over; - I usually try to finish the drawing within one or two weeks.

Safe human

Samples These are examples of finished art

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