Possession YSH
Draw Your character Type: any Gender: any Any hairstyle, any tail, horns, feathers. Any type of physique. Accessories can be added$5-25. 5-10$ - colored sketch $ 11-20-line, colors, simple shades 21-50$ - lines,colors, fullshading More than$ 50 +Nude version / NSFW version Regulation: After confirmation within 24 hours I get 100% payment and images with your character (picture or link). Free edits-2. After this 1 change -5 $. The term is not more than 7 days from the date of payment. Payment via PayPal. I still retain the right to place works of art in my gallery/portfolio. Image quality for any purpose (avatar, post, poster, etc.))) I'll do my best to make you happy. ENG \ RUS
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