uwu Lady with flower wreath [Ych]
hi! This information about bids must be helpful for you: all genders SB - 3$ MI - 1$ AB - 30$ Colored sketch: 4$ or more Colored lineart: 10$ or more If your bid is 15$ or more - colored lineart + I'll draw the full-colored headshot of any of your character If your bid is 25$ or more - colored lineart + I'll draw the full-colored waist up of any of your character EXAMPLES: Sketch: https://www.deviantart.com/3554re/art/Commission-from-ych-commishes-819282902 Colored sketch: https://www.deviantart.com/3554re/art/Commission-from-ych-art-818156815 Colored lineart: https://www.deviantart.com/3554re/art/trade-820807506?ga_submit_new=10%3A1574184832 Payment through PayPal invoice !! Payment must be made within 48 hours after you won the auction.