Stallion in November
The winning bid on this YCH will net you this picture, cleaned up, with minor corrections, and your choice of: -species -gender of the pony (includes free muzzle and eye-style edit) -Mane style. -A free, optional, addition of one Christmas/winter themed accessory or item. (Hat, mistletoe, scarf, boots.) $30 - Your choice of expression or 1 change to this picture (What a leg is doing, position of head, etc) $45 - 2 changes $60 - 2 changes + optional medium complexity background The picture will be finished up to include more shading. This pony is naked by default. If you'd like to add in accessories besides the free option, I'd ask for $1-20 more based on complexity. Paypal accepted, as well as email money transfers. If you'd like to contact me about this YCH or anything else, you can reach me at StillWatersPony[at]gmail.com