Full body YCH ☆ dragon ☆
- your original character here. - fan art of your choice - original game character BIDS 5$- color sketch 7$- lineart 10$- base color 15$- full detailed color. AB + uncomplicated background visual reference required Thank you all. time: 1-2 days I willWaiting start my work after the payment (which must be made up to 24 hours after the end of the auction) Payment via PayPal Contact (In the event that it is not possible to contact for CRM): - https://www.instagram.com/okamiiggi/ Payment: -Payment Upfront -Paypal only -Transactions made through Paypal Invoice -No refunds - Payment via PayPal (should be made in 24 hours after auction ends) Thank u that u are support me. It is really means to much for me Q-Q