Pegasus Pony Adopt!
Starting Bid: $10.00 USD Minimum Bid: $1.00 USD Tiers: SB: $10.00 USD. You get the character in a full PNG without the -manestreamstudios adopt- watermark. $30.00 and we can come up with a cutiemark if you want. I will make a PNG of it and also add it to the character, plus a name if you wish. $50.00 and up I will draw a line art with color and shading. Can be NSFW. RULES: When ever you use her PLEASE give credit to me and what ever artist you use to draw her. She can be used in NSFW pictures, genderbended, and made into a herm when ever you get pictures of her, I don't care. Lol. All rights other then that will belong to you! :3 Happy Bidding!
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