This auction is over!

But if you tell us your email we will notify you when this user starts a new one

Buy this now! Autobuy enabled Bid more than $100.00 to own this piece immediately

✩examples of finished artworks here: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dahan/ ✩ ✩Reference sheet ✩SLOT B

✩!!!NO FAKE BIDS!!!✩ ✩PAYMENT: PayPal/ Qiwi wallet✩ ✩ANY GENDER/RACE✩ ✩FOR SB - simple fullbody reference✩ ✩+5$ - +one extra detail, for 15$ - +three extra details✩ ✩+7$ - +NSFW ver.✩ ✩+25$ - +back view✩ ✩+10~25$(depended on what you need)- +extra outft ✩for AB - all of the above + one addtional outft and two additional details✩

Safe furry

Samples These are examples of finished art

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