humanoid furry anybodytype anygender anyspecie YCH - COME TO ME馃挐
SB: 15 usd -- Sketch Mi: 2 usd Over 20 USD -- Lineart Gray Scale (Sample: https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/1J420/ ) Over 35 USD -- Basic color (just as reference) AB: 60 USD -- Fullrender regular BG (Sample: https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/1IADE/ ) Extra Clothes can be add Props, feather wings, pets: +(5 USD) Complex background: over 10 USD depending on complexity * What I do and don't * >> I CAN: draw female, male, intersex or futa, furry (any bodytype). Erotic content, mild gore and mild eroguro << >> I DON'T DRAW explicit content of minors, snuff or political themes << Reviews: (https://loot.commishes.com/user/profile/voltaicdraw) SHORT TOS * No holds, no refunds * Pay within 48 hours after the first message * Paypal Payment. Other options to Mexico * No free changes after you accept the sketch * TAT: 7 days (no weekend) YOU CANNOT * Use for commercial use unless you pay extra fee You can check full info and TOS on: https://voltaicdraws.carrd.co/#termsofservice - Ways of Communication?? * Facebook (Gustav Dvorak) * Discord (GustavDvorak / mrstobyuura / Mrstobyuura#0991) you can ask here for commissions