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Started at $1.00
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(character belongs to thenoodleofmac Hi again! I've finally went to a neurologist, but I still need help for some expenses, which are: 1. Getting my pet to the vet! He's losing hair and I'm really worried about him :( 2.Paying for the internet. Wi-Fi has been out for almost a month now. I've got a job, but I work remotely, so I can't earn any more money without Wi-Fi :( 3.There's also a possibility of me needing an opinion of another psychiatrist, if my current one doesn't correct my meds, then I'll have to go to a private one. Now to the commissions: No deadline but I'll finish ASAP Examples of finished work are in my gallery TwT Rules: - full prepayment [Paypal via Hipolink OR by Card via Boosty] - any gender - any species - no refunds (technical limitations) - you will be provided WIPs - since it's a multislot commission, keep in mind that there will be a line! So I ask you to be patient <з If you don't want a commission, but still wish to support me, here's where you can leave a tip! hipolink.me/deadbananaz/tips Thanks a lot and have a nice day!

Safe furry

Samples These are examples of finished art

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13 days ago

Cool style!

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