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Eldritch Husband Auction Adopt 23 $6.66 Eldritch Husband Auction Adopt 23 $6.66

TH : https://toyhou.se/32005331.eldritch-husband-adopt-23 DA : https://www.deviantart.com/schlezweizer/art/Eldritch-Husband-Auction-Adopt-23-6-66-1168772839 ---- ELDRITCH HUSBAND AUCTION ADOPT---- "A creature born from a swamp. He serves as a guardian for the nature surrounding his home and also predator for trespassers. He wont harm anyone who doesn't have ill-intention to the forest or his swamp though. He can be gentle, and he likes to stalk. " SB : $6.66 MB : $6 AB 1: $66.66 AB 2: $120 (Includes Commercial Use) Please bid in the comments! Auction ends in 7 days or after AB 2 claimed! Non-watermark version will be sent by email. Thank you so much!

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