The expressions in the sale example are just a sample, other expressions can be requested :D SPECIAL OFFERT EMOTE PACK!
Emote pack! - READ BEFORE AUCTION individual price: 3$ C/U Packs: 3 emote: 9$ 5 emotes: 15$ 7 emotes: 21$ 10 Emotes: 30$ It is important that you be specific in the ventures you want! and if you have references that will help a lot in the process. Time: 15 days (It may be less time actually, but it all depends on the backorders) - Payments only by paypal (USD) - You have 24 hours to make the full payment once the auction is over. I draw: People, own characters, fanart. I don't draw: NSFW / + 18 / eroticism / nudes, complex weapons and armor, gore or violence, couples (not available at the moment), mecha. NOTE: I do not draw complex backgrounds or landscapes. I have more skill at drawing girls than boys, and furros need practice