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Desert Ethnic Gobbo Wife for you! Starting Bid (SB): 40 USD Includes: 1 PNG, 1 PSD, Commercial rights Not Included: Commission Discount, Male Version* Bid Over 90 USD: Includes: 1 PNG, 1 PSD, Commercial rights, Commission Discount, Male version* Minimum Increase (MI): 5 USD Payment Details Payment Method: PayPal Payment Deadline: Payment must be made within 24 hours after the auction ends. Please ensure you can make the payment within the specified time. If not, the next highest bidder will be offered the lot. Payment plans are available for bids over 300 USD. No refunds. Lore: You travelled the world and journey ended up in the desert, where a nomadic goblin family gave you shelter. By morning, you two knew - she must become your wife at any costs. Discounts do not combine with other offers and can only be applied when the final price is agreed upon. The male version will be customized based on your preferences and created in the labs. Edits will be delivered within the agreed deadlines after discussing the requested changes. Interested in a commission? Feel free to DM me — I'm open to proposals! But should aware I'm a bit slow :v

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