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Foxy Lancer!! waifu in adoption

Beautiful girl expert in spear handling looks for rival to face!! beat him and he will be your faithful servant!! (>.<)/ SB $ 50 MB $ 5 --------- content: main art and its version without Battle Suit - gift code to redeem for possible future commission. --------- ------------------------ PAYMENT: - Paypal only! I will begin to work only after a full payment. Payment must be done within the next 48 hours, after the end of the auction. - If you won't provide full payment, you'll lose the auction. if you need more information: Discord: VikArts#3946 Mail: vhgutierrezmenco@gmail,com vik.arts.desing@gmail.com Twitter: @VictorGMenco Portfolio: https://portfolio.commishes.com/user/Vik_Arts/ * Make sure you have activated the option to see arts +18

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