Your character is my style <3 饾悥饾悮饾悽饾惉饾惌-饾悺饾悶饾悽饾悹饾悺饾惌 饾悳饾惃饾惁饾惁饾悽饾惉饾惉饾悽饾惃饾惂
SB - sketch 50$ - colored waist-height art + shadows and render (not very detailed) +20-40$ detailing such as jewelry, armor, weapons, etc. (In the auction example) +10-50$ background *** - 饾槩饾槸饾樅 饾槰饾槮饾槸饾槬饾槮饾槼, 饾槼饾槩饾槫饾槮, 饾槷饾槩饾槰饾槳饾槫, 饾槮饾樀饾槫. - 饾槺饾槼饾槮饾槺饾槩饾樅饾槷饾槮饾槸饾樀 50% - o饾槸饾槶饾樅 饾槺饾槩饾樅饾槺饾槩饾槶 - d饾槮饾槩饾槬饾槶饾槳饾槸饾槮 1 饾槷饾槹饾槸饾樀饾槱 - o饾槸饾槶饾樅 饾槼饾槮饾槩饾槶 饾槪饾槮饾樀饾槾 饾槺饾槶饾槮饾槩饾槾饾槮! *** Y饾槹饾樁 饾槫饾槩饾槸 饾槹饾槼饾槬饾槮饾槼 饾槬饾槳饾槼饾槮饾槫饾樀饾槶饾樅 饾槳饾槸 饾樀饾槱饾槮 饾槬饾槳饾槾饾槫饾槹饾槼饾槬 饾樃饾槳饾樀饾槱饾槹饾樁饾樀 饾槺饾槶饾槩饾槫饾槳饾槸饾槰 饾槩 饾槪饾槮饾樀 饾槹饾槸 饾樀饾槱饾槮 饾樃饾槮饾槪饾槾饾槳饾樀饾槮 饾槡饾槺饾槳饾槸饾樅饾槙饾槳饾槵饾槹#9092
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