bid for both slots Sleep tight YCH
Edit: omg, I made a mistake. There'll be fullshaded when final price will be above 30$, not 305$ xP // 'SLEEP TIGHT' YCH AUCTION BID FOR TWO PONIES Image rules: - any genders - any pony races (earth pony/uniorn/pegasus/batpony/kirin) - wings/horns included in price - extra accessories +$$ -> PM me! - References only in form of picture (no text) - WIPs included - if final bid is 30$ or below -> flatcolor only; if above 30$ -> fullshaded; if AB -> fullshaded+background Auction rules: - Only serious bids, please - Payment via PayPal [[email protected]] - Payment must be sent up front - Payment within 48h after working out the details with me Contact via[Viven]/DA[Rudazmora]/telegram[@Rudziel], your choice <3