Animated YCH Capybara Spa YCH GIF
Capybara Spa YCH GIF Price 11 USD (each option) If you purchase both options (1 and 2) You will get an extra capybara selfie photo (gif) ych Please complete the following form when ordering this commission and pick between the options: For option 1: Color of capybara: Dark Brown / Light brown Background: Palm leaves / Lamp Towel on head: Yes / No Face animation: Blink / Sleeping face For option 2: Color of capybara: Dark Brown / Light brown Fruit decoration: Orange / Apple / Pear Face animation: Blink / Sleeping face Rules -Payments via paypal before starting the commission. -Please send me a picture of your character for reference. -Buyers will receive a gif file of the artwork. -When using please credit the base author and me. -cannot be used commercially, only personal use. Credits P2U BASE BY 多牌 (