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Any species -Any body type -Breasts and penis size editable! -You don't want it to be futa? No problem! (If you want both versions, it'll be +$20) *SB: $80 USD* *MI: $1 USD* Any price gets a fully rendered commission! Drive folder with all the YCHs eligible for this offer: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18seFIBD6p6kGGsNbQYHaQAp1epEvWiQO?usp=sharing Satisfied clients! https://loot.commishes.com/user/profile/Watushii/ Finished work! https://portfolio.commishes.com/user/Watushii/ Notes: -Paypal only. -Upfront payment -Please do not resell. -If the winner doesn't respond within 24 hours since the auction ended, the commission goes to the second highest bid. -Commissions may take 4 months to be done.

Explicit Promoted furry

Samples These are examples of finished art

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