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Started at $5.00
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Adoptable - Eevee Police Officer Adoptable - Eevee Police Officer

Eevee - Police Officer SB: 05 USD (HD-PNG image). MI: 05 USD. + 100 USD: 3 more stickers with it. + 300 USD: 3 more Additional character art (NSFW or SFW, with background). BONUS: Until December 31, 2024, any offer will have a Christmas illustration of the character! Remember: - Paypal only. - No refunds - Auction ends after 72 Hs from the last bid. - You can do whatever you want with the character once sold (Winner will get all rights to the character). - You will receive your files only after full payment is through. - I reserve the right to put it in my Portfolio. - Any questions let me know. Contact info: - DA: https://www.deviantart.com/thegolemslair - Email: golems.lair@gmail.com - Twitter: https://x.com/golemsLair

Safe adopt

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