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Murder on the dance floor, am I right? ART TIERS (ALL PRICES ARE USD): $15+ - textless character art! (you can give her a name and basic information to add, as well!) $40+ - all of the above plus a bonus chibi! $80+ - all of the above plus a half-body cleaned sketch of her! $100+ - all of the above plus autobuy! $150+ - all of the above plus a flat color character reference sheet with a front and back of the outfit and color palette! $180+ - all of the above but it becomes a FULLY RENDERED character sheet with a front and back of the outfit, color palette, basic info, alternate outfit, and two expressions! Payment will be through PayPal invoice, and once I receive the money, I'll send you a textless version of this picture and get to work on the rest. I'll send any additional art through here and/or Discord! Please do not resell this art, and do not remove my signature! You can do whatever you want with her as long as it's not commercial.

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