Like, you gotta breathe in and out, right? And like, pose like this? (A rerun!) GROUND RULES: - All characters suggested must be 18+. OCs and canon characters are welcome! - Body type changes are possible, though please don't make them too extreme (no hyper body parts, for example). This can be discussed further! - Please keep it to humanoid characters. Robogirls and slimegirls are fine, as are catgirls/doggirls, the like. - At least 50% of payment must be made within 48 hours of winning the auction. - DO NOT REMOVE THE SIGNATURE OR SELL OFF THE PICTURE SOMEWHERE ELSE. PRICES: $20 and up = monocolor sketch $40 and up = lineart $60 and up = flat color $70 and up = full render (shading and all that) $100 and up (autobuy) = full render + any kinks/fetishes you want to add (like lipples, lactation, mantras, sex toys, etc) Multiple pieces can be discussed if you want multiple characters in bimbo yoga! Payment will be through PayPal invoice, and once I receive the money, I'll get to work. I'll send any additional art through here, email, and/or Discord!
Questions and comments Be civil and on topic
Bumping this! There's less than three hours left to try and snag a YCH here! :D I will accept multiple people, so if you make a bid, just reply to this piece and we'll speak on Discord!