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you can buy this character KRAMPUS

SB - $30 MI - $5. AB - $180 payment via paypal after payment you will receive : good quality file without watermarks all rights to the character. If your bid is $80, you will get additional 3 character portraits each (emotions you can choose yourself). If your bid is $120 you will get all of the above and the NSFW version in a customized pose (you choose the pose you want). THE NSFW CAN BE FUTANARI. if your bid is $140 you can fully edit the character, for example, make him a different hairstyle, add piercings or tattoos, change clothes. If your bid is $180 - you will get all of the above and additionally a character in any pose (e.g. sleeping, sitting, standing, jumping and so on). for a bid of $200 you can order from me a full-fledged art with this character (examples of my artwork is on the site - https://ych.art/user/dfffg/portfolio ) If you have any questions or suggestions - feel free to message me on discord @dfffg666 Thank you for paying attention to my auction and reading all of this.

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Samples These are examples of finished art

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