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Furry VideoGame controller (xbox inspired)

VideoGame controller (xbox inspired) (OPEN) Sb: $11 MI: $1 Ab1:$55 (commercial use) Ab2:$75 (commercial use+Back view+1headshot) Please note that the TAT can be one month! [Finishes 24 hours after the last bid] Fb post: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/5NQ71C6S7ash7rGT/ Paypal only❗❗❗ Shipping by email/toyhouse the winner will receive the image without watermark, color palette, png of the adopt -Rules- ●Do not resell if there is no extra art. ●Give credits to the author of the base ●Give me credits for the design ●Ghosting will be added to my blacklist. ●No refunds ●Hold only for ab (max time 1 week) ●The winner will have a maximum of 48 hours to pay Design and edits of the Base (P2U by Samp Adopt) https://www.facebook.com/share/ybt12WrFtiChvodK/

Safe adopt

Samples These are examples of finished art

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