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Started at $50.00
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Pls boosty Dragon rider kobold

> 100$ - NSFW > 240$ - BACK VIEW (kobold and dragon) > 320$ - 3 STICKERS WITH EMOTIONS > 500$ - ALL TOGETHER + CUSTOM COMMISSION( and a lifetime of love from me <3) > 700$ - WOW~! IT'S SEEMS YOU REALLY LIKE THIS CHARACTER. I'LL DRAW TWO PAGES OF A COMIC WITH HER ❤ The winner will receive a version without a watermark and with a color palette Other bonus (you'll get it if you add this amount to the winning bid after winning the auction): + 30$ - SIDE VIEW + 25$ - CHIBI VERSION (front and back view) Payment within 24h after winning on Boosty ! The site does not provide a refund if they were made by mistake, and in case of an attempt to return them, both I and you will be banned, so let's be more careful. If a refund has been made, all rights to the character revert to me!

Explicit adopt

Samples These are examples of finished art

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5 months ago

Yo this is awesome! That dragon looks so good

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