Adoptable Auction #901 Open
Sb - 20$ AB1 - 50$ (+commercial use) AB2 - 75$ (+commercial use, + chibi version ( base of choice), +sword ) Mi - 5$ („• ᴗ •„) AUCTION ENDS 24H AFTER SB („• ᴗ •„) Auction timer: Winner will get : SB: Full resolution Jpeg and PNG AB1: Full resolution Jpeg and PNG + psd + commercial use AB2: Full resolution Jpeg and PNG + commercial use + psd + chibi version ( Base of choice) + sword Payment: - PayPal; - CryptoWallet ( Bitcoin, ETH, C98, Luna) ; - Buymeacoffee; - Patreon; - Payment should be done within 24h. Rules : - Allowed to resell/trade/gift the adopt; - Do not hide comments: - Don't bid/claim if you are not sure;‼️ - You can also use just the outfit if needed. - You can put AB2 after AB1 within 3 hours ☘️ ‼️ NO HOLD ‼️ You can make one free easy edit (free edits should not change anatomy, breast size, etc.). All edits after the free edit are $5. I can refuse the edit without giving a reason. All edits will be done after payment of the adopts.