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Adopt. Ghost Police. Esoteric Girls #3 Adopt. Ghost Police. Esoteric Girls #3

✦✦✦ PLEASE PAY ATTENTION! due to some circumstances, i accept payment, unfortunately, only through a donation on the site boosty or hipolink. hipolink.me/esotericnuclearwar/tips (it supports paypal) https://boosty.to/esotericnuclearwar/donate ✦✦ PAYMENT MUST BE MADE IN 48 HOURS AFTER AUCTION ENDS otherwise, I will write to the previous bidder or restart the auction (If you can't do it in time for some reason we can negotiate) ✜ SB -- 70$ ✜ MI -- 5$ ✜ AB -- 250$ ✦ Hold is possible. 1 week max. SB and above - full res png, some sketches and full rights excluding commercial AB - commercial rights Add-ons such as additional sketches, back view, reference sheet, etc. are discussed separately. The price depends on the complexity. I really hope you enjoy this piece of work. It was fun to work on. RULES/CONDITIONS - The design can be used for any purpose other than commercial (only if you haven't bought the commercial rights) - You can modify design - You can resell it (with mentioning me as the author of original piece) - I retain the rights as the author of the original design If you have any questions or something else, feel free to contact me at Discord (please, only text messages): m0onblade Or pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/96387528 Or twitter: https://x.com/NuclearWarIn20s Or mail: [email protected] This auction also take place on DA https://www.deviantart.com/esotericnuclearwar/art/Adopt-Ghost-Police-Esoteric-Girls-3-AUC-OPEN-1100856322

Safe adopt

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