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Art by Waspsalad Warhammer Kobold

A kobold adopt I won a good long while ago and haven't really used. This is quite a shame, and I'd be happy to part with her for at least a bit of what I paid! Original Description (by Waspsalad!): This punky kobold wields a pretty special warhammer; the bubbly liquid inside it is initially light, but gets heavier when swung for a devastating blow. The laws of physics have no place in a magical world! Full res image, which is about 2500x3500px, will be given to the winner together with a backgroundless PNG image and a palette map. No extra pics, sorry! Just a note, I might use the concept of the liquid in future projects and create a lore for it. Paypal only, I will send an invoice. Please be prepared to respond within 24h and pay within 48h if you bid! Thank you! My design TOS: https://sta.sh/0sxv0zlbdtt My twitter: https://twitter.com/waspsalad

Safe Promoted adopt

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