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Lotta tentacles for a lotta fun :3 TENTACLE SMOKER DEMON BABE ADOPT

Every 35 dollars in your bid past the starting bid nets you a bonus flat color piece featuring her, up to a limit of 5! Any bid of 100 or more gets you a flat color ref on top of said bonus pieces, featuring front back and side views, along with any character information you wish to add! Keep in mind that bidding means you agree to the TOS. RULES 1: Payment MUST COME within 24 hours of the auction ending. I accept payment through PayPal or Ko-Fi. 2: NO refunds, whatsoever. 3: By bidding, you agree to my TOS. 4: Additions and changes will cost you extra depending on their complexity. TERMS OF SERVICE Do not use my characters in ways associated with hateful imagery(like waving a Nazi flag for example). Do not use them in NSFW scenarios featuring underage characters.

Explicit adopt

Samples These are examples of finished art

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