The stealth plan seems like a good idea, until you roll 4 nat 1 on all the stealth checks... ⛓Rogue Kobold Adopt⛓
(Click on the image for better quality) [Payments only via] - Boosty (Non American bank cards only) - HipoLink (PayPal and American bank cards) ∘₊✧────── 🍐 Price 🍐 ──────✧₊∘ [SB] - 5$ [MI] - 5$ [150$] - Commercial use [50$] - You will receive a custom full render halfbody art of the character OR a custom outfit (can be a SFW no clothes version, edits or a complete color change too) OR a back view (Your choice) [100$] - You will receive all three of the previously listed rewards OR the previous tier reward and a custom gif animation of the adopt (Your choice) ∘₊✧────── 🍐 Rules 🍐 ──────✧₊∘ - Reply and payment must be done within 48 hours - No refunds, no hold payments - Payment plans available only for bids 100$+ - No reselling for a higher price than bought (Unless extra artworks) - You can change the design - Only serious bids, please - Always credit me as the author of the design After full payment you will receive a PNG image without the watermark, another one with a transparent background and separate images of the fullbody and the little drawing [Reviews] - https://loot.commishes.com/user/profile/Able_Insomnia ∘₊✧────── 🍐 Socials 🍐 ──────✧₊∘ [Boosty] - https://boosty.to/ableinsomnia [HipoLink] - https://hipolink.me/able_insomnia [YT] - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpqHMu_MmeyKg3bEFfrHBKA