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Buy this now! Autobuy enabled Bid more than $70.00 to own this piece immediately


- ADOPTABLE - from scratch (reuplouding) - CORDELIA - SB: $20 MB: $1 AB: $70 i can holds it for 2-5 days if you want to hold for longer -deposit(startingat $10) - Rules - Do not resell above the purchased price, only if there are arts, the price may be higher! Adopt does not apply to returns!I provide proof together with the adopt if you need The auction ends in 24 hours after last bid, I can finish ahead of schedule. - Payment - HIPPOLINK (PAYPAL) EASY START B00STY (for now by bank card) if you need help with payment, do not hesitate and write, I will help! I will duplicate bids from other sites if there are any!

Safe adopt

Samples These are examples of finished art

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